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Clinical Focus & Scope of Practice

   This practice focuses on a well-rounded approach to treatment and concentrates on encouragement and empowerment - on “wellness” (what’s right with you and positive resources within) versus “pathology” (what’s wrong with you, the negative self-talk that keeps patients “stuck” in the past.), - and on assets instead of faults or flaws. This model helps individuals examine how mind, body, and spirit can work together to create an overall sense of well-being and inner harmony. It concentrates on exploring problem areas at their source (root cause) and finding healthy SOLUTIONS instead of just treating your symptoms.

    Each category in the dropdown menu explains a summary of the subject matter, and offers a brief description of possible treatment options. It is understood that this overview does not purport to diagnosis any condition or provide psychological counseling/intervention, psychotherapy, mental health counseling, marital therapy, family therapy, sex therapy, or holistic/alternative medicine recommendations, of any form. It is only intended to describe the scope of my practice, how I conceptualize wellness and pathology, and offer guidelines for seeking psychological help.

 •         Anxiety & Depressive Disorders

•          Addictions & Compulsive Disorders

•          Couples issues & Marital Therapy

                      Separation & Divorce; Premarital Prep Course**

•          Domestic Violence

•          Emotional Terrorism & Women's Issues

•          Medical Psychology & Interventions

•          Holistic Therapy Approaches

•          Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer/Intersex (L/G/B/T/Q/I) Relationship

                       Issues, Parenting concerns, & Gay Marriage

•          Men’s Issues & Mental Health

•          Sexual Addition

•          Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders

•          Sexual Abuse (child, adult, & elderly)

•          Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Military; Environmental & Natural Disasters;

                           Occupational; Physical Injury; Domestic Violence; Divorce)

•          Veteran's Issues & Concerns



•          Certified Sex Therapy Program Developer & Instructor***


** See Dr. Karen's Premarital Relationship Boot Camp for details.


***Anew Focus Training Institute is a Continuing Education Provider in the state of Florida and California and offers lectures and training on all of the above mentioned topics/subjects.

Please see disclaimer statement for information about policy and confidentiality.

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